Odd Law: Seduction Illegal! Urinal Dividers Required!
April 24, 2009

On This Date In History:  On this date 1949 Alfred Hitchcock would not have been proud.  Illinois Gov. Adlai Stevenson was not for the birds.  Passed by the Illinois legislature was a bill that would protect birds from cats.  It sat on his desk until he vetoed it.  In referencing his denial of legal cover for our feathered friends, he said “We may be called upon to take sides as well in the age old problems of dogs versus cats…even bird versus worm.  [We] already have enough to do without trying to contol feline delinquency.”  No word on weather or not Tweety Bird made an appeal. 

This Says It All

This Says It All

Now…we all know that Louisiana has had some trouble following Katrina.  Of course, Mississippi was the one that really got hit by the hurricane and suffered great devastation.  You don’t hear as much about Mississippi and its continuing rebound.  Perhaps this little gem may give you some reason to figure out why Louisiana has still has a few problems….and it’s similar to the story concerning Mr. Stevenson.  While there are still many problems and issues to deal with in Louisiana on a yearly basis, the efforts to deal with reconstruction of damaged areas and institute changes to make sure that mistakes of the past will not be repeated one would think would be the primary focus of the lawmakers.  Alas,  on this date in 2008, reports surfaced that the Louisiana legislature had put forth a call for dividers be put between urinals in men’s restrooms.  Seems one of the lawmakers is concerned about preverts in the privy!  Yes indeed.  They have their priorities straight down on the bayou in my state of birth.

Please note that the tv station that posted the story below on the web found it to be of newsworthy importance.  Another example of the media  covering such hard-hitting stories that can only shine one type of light on journalism as a whole.

 Important Louisiana Legislation!

Snoop Might Have Been In Trouble in 1886

Snoop Might Have Been In Trouble in 1886

On This Date in 1886, the citizens of Ohio were finding out what it was like to live in a society in which seduction was  illegal.  It’s rather interesting to note seduction became illegal on what would become known as Earth Day which seems to be in part designated as a day to promote peace and harmony on earth.  It’s really not that big of a deal because the law says that teachers or other instructors were not allowed to have sex with anyone that they were instructing.  That is similar to laws today.  But, this one said that age was not a factor nor whether or not consent was given.  There were similar laws in other states but most of those made it a crime for a man to have such relations with any woman who was not his wife.  The laws were not really enforced much but some guys went to jail.  I guess the women were just scorned, or something.  One guy in Michigan had two of his three counts thrown out by the appeals court.  They decided the second two didn’t count since the woman was no longer “virtuous” after the first encounter.  Then the third count was overturned after the court decided it was medically impossible for two people to take a tumble in a buggy!  A guy in New York in 1867 got clever and beat the system.  During his trial, he simply proposed to the woman and the trial was turned into a marriage ceremony.  Case dismissed!

She Still Loves Me

She Still Loves Me

Speaking of marriage….yesterday marked the fourth year of my bliss with Snow White.  I’m not sure that Snow White would say that say that four years with Dopey and his forever juvenile delinquent cats, Nit and Wit, have been total bliss but she is as joyful and vivacious as ever.  Truly a blessed soul and I am a blessed man.  I’m extending her anniversary present.  Last night we had a very nice dinner at Avalon, where they have changed the menu. You need to stop by if you can.  If you’re coming in for the Derby, it’s on Bardstown Road near Mid-City Mall.  We had Laurie the waitress and she did a fine job as she tutored her young newbee, David, who also did a fine job but she still sent him off to polish silverware.  Rookies always get the lousy jobs. It was a great experience and the food was wonderful.  Today and Monday I have a couple of little surprises as well.  But, guys…a little tip…flowers are always a good way to stay out of the dog house.  Since I”ve been woofing of late…I got her two bunches.

Weather Bottom Line:  I figured out why the SPC was talking about the potential for t’storms from the southern and western part of the viewing area on Thursday.  There were no short waves or anything.  But, there was the warm frontal boundary.  Now, the air was pretty dry around here and I figured that we may get some virga and clouds, but was discounting the rain.  As it turns out, both ideas were right.  We had a couple of elevated t’storms on the midpoint of the boundary but the air below was so dry there really wasn’t much rain.  At the time of the posting, I didn’t look that close at it and I realized the reason for the SPCs contention, but I wasn’t jazzed enough to change the verbiage.  My bad.  Should look at things more closely but its kinda boring. The warm front zooms through, we get warm southwesterly wind and the temperatures go to the mid 80’s through the weekend.  By Tuesday, another rather weak boundary comes through and we get a chance for t’storms…most likely late in the day or evening.

NAM Midday Sat Temps

NAM Midday Sat Temps